Why bother with a Business Coach?

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Let’s face it, it’s not cheap and isn’t it a ‘nice to have’?

Absolutely not! Yes, I am biased, but I’m going to share with you the reasons you absolutely need a business coach in your life…

I listened to the most incredible speaker last night - Lauren Derrett from Wear ‘Em Out Pads. And she described how much value she gets from her business coach and that it is non negotiable for her. One of her biggest tips for success for female business owners was to get a business coach and to actually budget for it. She explained how she would scrimp and save for her business coach as it was one of her most important business expenses. Ultimately, you have to invest in yourself to grow! It was SO refreshing to hear someone who truly believes in what you do. Thank you Lauren!

So, back to the focus of this blog… Here are the reasons you absolutely need a business coach in your life.

1. Your self belief and confidence

Chances are, if you are in business, you know what you are doing on a day to day basis. You have the skills, knowledge and expertise to run your business.

However, what get’s in our way is our mind and our own self belief…

Self sabotage is real and a lot of us find it hard to push through our limiting beliefs to achieve success. Fear and self esteem issues can get in our way and this can paralyse us.

With so much visibility on social media nowadays, I have come across so many women who compare themselves to others all the time and don’t feel good enough. I have met female business owners who have the most incredible business and brand, yet they don’t believe they are good enough and the result is that they stop doing the doing to achieve their goals.

A business coach is there to believe in you and shift your limiting beliefs to drive you forward.

2. Getting yourself out of the day to day

When you run a business, it is entirely possible that you spend a lot of time in the day to day running of that business. However… It is SO important to work ON the business and not just IN the business. What is the difference? Being IN the business is doing your invoices, marketing activity, delivering your products/services. However being ON the business is about being strategic. It involves taking a step back and planning for the future. It may be you reviewing your business plan or going somewhere creative to come up with ideas for the future. It may involve getting feedback from customers to inform the future of your brand.

A business coach will work with you to develop a business plan and strategy that gets you towards your goals. They will help you come out of the frantic day to day and plan for the future!

3. Time Management and productivity

A business coach is not just to help you in your business. A business coach helps you with the whole ecosystem of your life - from family, to friends, health to wealth and obviously career. Everything is interlinked and the work life balance juggle is real!

A lot of the women I have spoke to in business struggle with time management as they are SO busy with home life and a career.

A business coach will help you understand your priorities and be productive with your time. It’s all about making your time work hard for you and focusing on the areas that will pay off financially long term.

4. To make sure you are valuing yourself!

It is very easy to devalue yourself in business. We all know that the gender pay and income gap is real and as women we take time off for our families more often than not.

I have spoke to many women in business who aren’t confident in their prices and are scared to increase their prices. However from an external point of view it is normally the case that they are providing lots more value than they charge for.

A business coach will work with you to feel confident and comfortable with your prices… We shouldn’t be ashamed of the fact we want to make money and be successful and this mindset shift is something that comes with practice.

5. Being your biggest cheerleader

In business we all experience failure! It is about how we respond to this that matters. Maybe you are putting out a new product or of service and it’s massively out of your comfort zone. Or maybe you are about to go to a really scary meeting that you are nervous about.

A business coach is there to hold your hand and tell you that it’s going to be okay! A business coach is there to push you out of your comfort zone - as that is where the magic happens!

6. To help you recognise your weaknesses

None of us are perfect and we all have areas we need to work on. A business coach will tell it to you straight - what are your strengths and what are your weaknesses?

A business coach will help you figure out ways to outsource your weakness areas and/or develop them for the better. A business coach is someone you can share your biggest fears and failures with and they will help you to overcome these and move forward.

7. To lean into your finances

Finally, and potentially most importantly, a business coach will help you be financially savvy in your business.

Developing your cash flow, your projections and understanding your profit margin is important when it comes to business. But often we ignore this and just go with the flow. Your intuition is important in business, but when it comes to financials in business, you have to be operating in a way that achieves your financial goals.

So there you have it - 7 reasons you absolutely need a business coach in your life… If you want to chat about your business and build a mini strategy together get in touch today for a free 30 min business coaching session.


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