The highs & lows of getting back to work after maternity leave

Me, my babies and my mamma on an Autumn photoshoot with Ben Lister Photography 

Is it simple to get back to your business after maternity/paternity leave?! There are so many emotions and for me it’s been a rollercoaster so I wanted to share my highs and lows in case you can relate.

So… September was the month I planned to get back into my business, return to work, whatever you want to call it, after having my baby boy in December 2023. It made a lot of sense, as my daughter was also starting school in September. Perfect timing! However as we know as parents who run businesses (or parentrepreneurs), best laid plans tend to get thrown into turmoil so I thought I’d share my journey so far in returning to my business after maternity leave.

The highs of getting back to work after maternity leave

I want to use my blog as a space to reflect, share my journey and be open and honest about the challenges of running a business when you have kids. Here are some of the things I’m proud of achieving in my first 2 months back to my business

Boundaries - I have kept strong boundaries in place on the whole. I work Tuesdays and Thursdays and this is my time for client meetings, admin, and also when I focus on my networking group The Village too. I know it can be tough keeping to set hours and days working when it’s your own business, but the way I find I can do it is that I don’t check my work emails or social media accounts when I’m not on my working days. Yes, there are the odd times when it does spill over, but I’d say 90% of the time I’m strict with this. And this really helps me be present with my family. I used to work Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, and then all day Thursday, but I am actually finding the full days Tuesdays and Thursdays working well for me at the moment. I used to always feel rushed on a Tuesday and Wednesday morning, and now I feel like I can be more efficient and plan my days better. I will keep this under review though of course.

Service offering - One day I had a lightbulb moment about the services I was offering my clients and I have developed a new client proposition which combines my one off Strategy Days with my regular Strategy Coaching. I am so passionate about what I’ve created here and I totally believe in it. I tell my clients they should create services that they would love themselves. And this is exactly what I have done… I’m really excited and I know this belief and passion in what I offer is coming across to my clients (see the next point…)

Clients - I am super grateful to say I have had a number of clients booking in with me since getting back to my business in September. I am truly focusing on how I can really help my clients and add value to them, and with my new service offering I have developed, I feel like it’s really resonating with my potential clients. I have also made the decision to do my in person client meetings at a cowering space which is really exciting and I will be starting using the Colbea Business Centre in Colchester from November 2024. I’m also able to offer clients in person Strategy Coaching in Chelmsford City Centre and London too.

Client Strategy Sessions - This point is similar to the previous one but it deserves its own call out… When you return to work from maternity leave there can be a bit of ‘the fear’ and nervousness. You may call it imposter syndrome. At the end of the day, when you’ve taken a step away from the labour force, it is a change to bring yourself back to it again. Plus when you spend a lot of your time breastfeeding your baby, dealing with under 5 year olds and feeling sleep deprived, going back to work isn’t the easiest thing to do. However, I have had some truly fantastic sessions with my clients this month. So I am celebrating the fact that I truly feel like my clients are growing and developing as leaders in their businesses and I love the transformation, change and ideas that come from our Strategy sessions.

The lows of getting back to work after maternity leave

This isn’t just about the highs, the lows have been a big part of me returning to business after time off with the baby… Here they are:-

Chicken pox - Yes, not just one, but 2 lots to deal with! After my daughter started school and had to take the first week off with chicken pox, my son spent most of September not himself and then had the pox at the end of the month. He had so many spots bless him and he still has marks on him now! Trying to get back into work with sick children wasn’t very easy as I’m sure any parents can empathise with! The one good thing is that at least chicken pox has been ticked off the parenting list.

Sleep deprivation - It seems to be a constant rollercoaster of not sleeping, whether it’s because of teething or something else baby related… But at 10 months the boy still isn’t sleeping through. At the moment he is up every 2 hours which is insane and he is definitely teething, I am hoping it will get better when the next teeth have come through(!). It definitely affects me when I don’t get enough sleep, I really need my 9 hours a night, or 8 at a minimum, so I end up needing to go to bed super early (like 7.30pm when the kids go to bed) so I can at least get a long, but broken, sleep.

Childcare - This isn’t necessarily a low as such, but taking a step back from your baby is a tough one when you go back to work. You have been their everything and hearing them cry and need you just makes you want to come running. I have been so fortunate that my husband has our son on a Tuesday and my mum has him on a Thursday so that I can work and follow my dreams. But it has still been tough. I am the one that puts him down for his naps normally, and letting go of this and all the other things has been a challenge. It’s also been a great thing as I’ve had time to focus on my business, and he has built up wonderful bonds with the people that love him.

The juggle - The last low I want to share is just the general juggle of life as a business owner and parent. Since my daughter starting school, there is a whole new level of admin to do. From logging the books she has read, to sending forms back in, to planning for fancy dress days. It’s lovely, I have met some wonderful parents and the community vibe at the school is great. But it’s just a lot! To add to that, we have a property portfolio that we manage, plus I have taken up a role on The Board for England Netball in the East Region. So juggling all these great things, and making special family time is an ongoing challenge. But I wouldn’t change it for anything!

So in summary, I absolutely love what I do and I’m so grateful I get to do it. My passion is helping parents that run businesses, giving them the headspace to be ‘on the business’ instead of ‘in the business’. If you want to have a chat you can DM me on insta or LinkedIn @jenlistercoaching or fill out the contact form on my website here.


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