How to set business goals so that you actually achieve them!

Me working at Hylands Park Chelmsford delivering a Business Goalsetting Workshop

Help, it’s almost the end of January and I haven’t set any goals in my business yet!

Don’t stress, I am absolutely here for you. First things first, you don’t actually need to worry about being clear on your goals by the 1st January…

Goalsetting should be an ever flowing process and you are really in the right place because I absolutely LOVE goalsetting.

So please don’t feel demoralised if you aren’t clear on your goals yet. I’m going to take you through my step by step process to figuring out (and progressing) your business goals!

Step 1 - Take the time to figure out your goals

This may sound completely obvious, but this is often the step that gets missed. You can’t sit down to write you goals with zero thinking time beforehand. Ask yourself - when do you come up with the best ideas? Is it when you go out for a walk? When you’re swimming in the pool? During a meditation? I’m a huge fan of running and I find that this if when the ideas flow. Whatever it is for you, find the time to give yourself headspace to DREAM. Consider ideas, options, think BIG.

The way I love to do this is to fast forward 5-10 years (note to self: 10 years is scary, 5 years is slightly less scary)… And think about what you want your life to look like in that time. Allow yourself to dream and imagine your perfect day in the future and where you see yourself.

Step 2 - Write your business goals down on paper

There is SO much research showing the impact of writing your goals down. If you don’t bother with this step then you are simply dreaming, or hoping for something to happen. Depending on the type of person you are, here are some ways you can get your goals down:

  • Write them down on paper and put that up somewhere you will see, ideally at your desk for your business goals.

  • Create a doodle sketch of them - this is great if you love arts and crafts.

  • Create a digital vision board (pinterest or Canva is great for this) and put this on your phone home screen.

  • Create a physical vision board using a pin board, photos and pins (I’m a big fan of this and you can do this as a a family too).

If you would like my template for filling in your business goals drop me an email and I’ll email it to you.

Step 3 - Do your research

There is so much to absorb online that you can find out how to achieve any goal if you Google it. So do your research. Look online, but also talk to real people - experts - who have done it already. Find a mentor who can really support you in realising your goals. I love this part, as you get to decide who goes on your business journey with you, and these people can really impact your success along the way. Use social media platforms to find mentors and inspirational businesses that you can learn from and document the steps you need to take to get to your goal.

Be careful on this step though, as sometimes when you look up to someone who’s already doing the thing you’re aiming for, it can allow for that imposter syndrome to kick in. Remember that everyone has had a journey to get to where they are - and that includes lots of ups and downs along the way. It may feel like you have a long way to go, but consistent effort goes a long way (see my next step…).

Step 4 - Find a way to work towards your goal consistently

Now you know what to do, you need to start doing the things each day that take you towards your goal. It’s from lots of small steps and things that happen in the background that take you towards your goals - the things that happen when no one is watching.

For example, if you want to launch a new offer in your business, if you only spoke about it once, it wouldn’t have much impact. You have to figure out your marketing plan and then do the marketing effort consistently in your business to see it pay off (which means gaining new clients for that offer). I really believe in focusing on a small number of goals so that you can put that consistent effort in for each one - ideally 3 business goals at one time.

This part is tough! But hang in there until the next step…

Step 5 - Be creative as you start to see results

One you start seeing small results and growing in confidence, go back to your goals and think about how you can be creative in achieving them. Is there a way you can put your own spin on things? Is there a way you can make the journey more fun? Because ultimately, achieving the goal is the glamorous part, but doing the work to get there can feel tough. Reward yourself when you see progress, treat yourself and celebrate your wins!

This could be by booking a special family holiday once you achieve a certain milestone towards your goal, or it could be that you book that business retreat you’ve been thinking about for a while. Whatever motivates you, figure it out and use it as your incentive to keep going…

Step 6 - Keep going!

It is WAY too easy to quit. But the only way you will actually get to achieve your goal is if you keep on going. Every successful person has been rejected and had challenges along the way. 

To keep you motivated with this I recommend you create a proud jar. A basic mason jar where you can write on a post-it note anything you’re proud of, any challenges you overcome, and then fold it up and put it in the jar to review at the end of each year. It feels good to remember all the crazy stuff that stressed you out along the way, but you realise it has made you the business owner you are today - stronger and better!

In Summary…

There you have it, how to actually take step by step action to get clear on your goals and achieve them. I am a BIG believer in progress - it’s not about ‘smashing your goals’ all at once - the journey is where you learn so much and you develop as a person.

I absolutely LOVE goalsetting and it really has made such an impact on my life and business. I hope you enjoy your goalsetting journey and please get in touch if you want a chat to get clear on your business goals (and work towards achieving them!) - you can DM me on insta or LinkedIn @jenlistercoaching or fill out the contact form on my website here.


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