I launched a Podcast!!

The Jen Lister Podcast

After a couple of years pondering the idea, I have finally launched the Jen Lister Podcast

It’s happening!

I can't quite believe I'm saying that because I have been thinking about this for such a long time and I'm so excited to be launching my very own podcast.

I couldn't decide what to call my podcasts. So that's one of the reasons that I haven't done it yet... And I had a session with my mentor a few months ago now and she said ‘just call it the Jennie Lister podcast’ and so that’s what I did! I was racking my brains for name ideas, but that's so much more simple. That's exactly what I'm going to be representing, because it's all about what I believe in from a business and my life perspective. So, isn't it funny what things can hold you back from getting started on something? The tiniest thing like the name.

What’s it all about?

So what I'll be sharing is a bit about life, and a lot about business growth and business growth strategies. So whether you're an entrepreneur yourself already, and you're looking to grow your business, or whether you're in corporate and you're looking to potentially start a business in the future. I hope there is going to be something that will be really valuable to you whatever part of your entrepreneur journey!

My story is very much grounded in corporate. I started my career in corporate in 2008 and worked across a number of different brands in different sectors, retail health and finance. And I just felt like I needed to get out of corporate after being working across London and Sydney in Australia. I just felt like I needed to start my own business. So about five years ago, I started my own business and from that point onwards, I've been in the entrepreneur sector.

I really want to help you build your version of success in your life and in your business. So I will be giving you lots of actionable strategies to achieve it. I'll be sharing about my life, I'll be sharing about my story, so you won't just get business all the time.

And I've got some really exciting guest speakers lined up. Well, I say lined up - they’re in my head and I just know (hope!) that most of them will say yes. I'm just so excited to be able to share with you on so many different valuable business topics, from my perspective as a business coach and a business strategist. I've worked across lots of different sectors and my passion is building really powerful growth strategies with business owners to take their business to the next level. I will be bringing in experts in all the individual fields that are so important - from marketing experts, social media experts, financial experts, organisational experts, etc.

Your feedback

I would love, love, love to hear your feedback and what you want to hear about. So please feel free to leave me a review and give me any feedback. Drop me a message you can find me on Instagram @jenlistercoaching. Feel free to contact me here on my website too with any feedback.

In my opinion, this is the podcast that I always wanted to be able to listen to when I was starting my entrepreneur journey. That's what I want it to be for you. I've got some really cool stuff coming your way on sales, impostor syndrome, productivity and social media. I hope you've enjoyed this little intro and I really, really look forward to hearing from you!

Click below to listen to The Jen Lister Podcast…

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And if you are interested in chatting about your business idea or growing your existing business click below to book in your complimentary strategy call with me…


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