5 top tips for creating your vision board

5 top tips for creating your vision board

In the last part of my vision board series I want to share with you my top tips for getting started.

So, hopefully you are inspired now to create your vision board and watch the magic happen! Here I am sharing with you my 5 top tips for you to use when creating your vision board to make it super fun and give you the biggest positive impact on your life…

  1. Do not hesitate to create your vision board.

    I totally did this! Your time is so precious and the more you delay getting started, the more you are delaying living the life of your dreams. I spent time making excuses as to why I couldn’t get started with my vision board. For example, that I didn’t have enough time to complete it, that I didn’t have the right photos/images to use, and other silly reasons! But the truth is, you don’t have to finish it all in one session, you can just pin stuff up as and when you come across it and you can change it over time too. You should see it as a process and that process starts with just the first step. So get that first image up today, even if it is simply a picture of a pretty cake you want to eat!

  2. Create a fun environment

    Creating your vision board should be a fun process. It may be something you want to do on your own, or if you have a friend who is in to personal growth too, then get them round and each create your own vision board. Either way, it’s great to dedicate a couple of hours, or an afternoon, to explore your creative flair. Your environment is so important as it has energy and will affect your mood. Consider where you will be creating your vision board and plan for this to be in a place that your feel comfortable and happy. For example, don’t create it in a dark, small study, create it in a room in your house that makes you feel relaxed and inspired. In addition to this, put your favourite, uplifting music on to help get you in the mood and make sure you have plenty of space to spread out! The other thing I highly recommend is making your favourite drink (cocktail anyone?) and grabbing a snack to help you along the way.

  3. Cover all areas of your life

    If you need some inspiration for what kind of things to put on your vision board, think through all the areas of your life - health, wealth, career, relationships, spirituality. Aim to include something for each area of your life on your vision board. For example, for health you could put a picture of someone running if that’s what you want to get in to. Or for relationships you could include a picture of a happy family or one of your family photographs. If you still need inspiration, put some searches into Google or Pinterest and see where that takes you!

  4. Don’t play small - set out big goals

    It can be nerve-racking to set out big goals, and even more scary when you are putting it on a pin board for anyone to see! However it is too easy to play small and not put your biggest ambitions on your vision board. My advice is to set out those big goals through imagery on your vision board, as what you will find is that they will somehow enter your life quicker than you could have ever expected. Put a picture of that outrageously large pay cheque, and cut out the picture of your dream man and stick that in the middle of your vision board. You will be glad you did when it starts to come true.…

  5. Put it somewhere you can see

    Finally and possibly most importantly, position your vision board somewhere that you will see it. It can be daunting to think of others seeing your vision board and thinking you’re crazy, but that feeling is totally worth it for the results you will get. Your vision board will evoke feelings of excitement and maybe even nervousness in you, but that is a good thing and every time you see your images up there, it will help solidify your goals and keep them in the back of your mind as you go about your day to day life. You might even find you dream about them!

So, there you have it! My 5 top tips for creating your vision board, and making it a fun journey along the way. I hope you feel inspired and ready to get started! I would LOVE to see your vision boards and hear about your experiences with them, so please get in touch with me today!

Jennie, With Love xx


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How a vision board can change your life