How a vision board can change your life

How a vision board can change your life

So, if you’re wondering ‘what’s the point of creating a vision board?’, I’m going to share with you my story...

I created my vision board in May 2018. My brother and sister-in-law had bought me a gorgeous framed pin board for my birthday in the summer of 2017, and I had since then been planning to get around to creating my vision board. But like many people I was ‘stuck’. I did not know where to begin! I was always looking for things to be perfect and I made up every excuse in my head as to why I hadn’t just started pinning things up there! 

I can be a bit of a perfectionist at times and as such, I always felt I needed to spare myself a good half a day to create my vision board. I was also reluctant to cut things out that I wanted to achieve, thinking maybe these things were out of reach for me at the time. I was also nervous about putting all these aspirational images up on my wall for any of my guests to see - wouldn’t they think I was crazy or just a bit sad!

So you can probably tell I came up with every limiting belief to stop myself from getting started on my vision board!

Taking action on your vision board

The way I forced myself to get on with it was by getting a friend involved. I asked if she fancied coming over for an evening of wine and vision board making and when she said yes I had no choice but to get started! We had great fun and spent time cutting things up and sharing happy photo memories with each other. It was fun because we both had completely different things in our vision and that was part of the beauty of getting to do it together!

So, why do I think everyone should have a vision board? Essentially, it's because they are just magical! When you spend time thinking about the things you want to attract into your life, and then physically finding the images that represent these goals, you are solidifying your dreams in your subconscious mind. It is a powerful process and the result is that you will be going about your day to day life with a clearer picture of your future reality in your mind.

The magic your vision board can create

I can attest to this massively, and I wanted to share with you a couple of examples of what I manifested from my vision board...

Finding love - So slap bang in the middle of my vision board I put a picture of my dream man! I found a picture online and I printed it off. I also put a picture of Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone from La La Land walking hand in hand, as that made me feel inspired to find love (plus Ryan Gosling is hot!). I added other bits I found in magazines, like a quote saying ‘Love is the answer’ and a really cool cartoon image of a couple having a snuggle in bed together! Less than a year after I created my vision board I met the man of my dreams and fell in love! 

Winning awards - It seemed random at the time but I put the logo for a big business award ceremony on my vision board, thinking there was no way we would win the award. I didn’t even remember I had put the image on my vision board when the awards came about! But the business ended up winning the award and has won it every year since!

So there you have it! Why I absolutely love and swear by my vision board. Keep an eye out for my next blog about vision boards where I will share with you all my top tips for creating your vision and allow the magic to happen…

Jennie, With Love xx


5 top tips for creating your vision board


Vision Boards Part II - Types of Vision Boards