7 ways to to practice gratitude each day

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You probably agree that gratitude is important by now, but how exactly can you practice gratitude each day?

So, if you have read my previous blog on why gratitude is so important, you will have reflected on your life and realised where you have the opportunity to be more grateful. In this blog I am going to share with you how you can practice gratitude each day.

 Practice makes perfect

If you’ve tried it before and found it difficult then don’t worry. I have felt exactly the same in the past and thought ‘this is hard work and I don’t think I’m doing it right’. To be honest I don’t think I was, I was forcing it and trying to follow a prescribed way of practicing gratitude that did not work for me. Then I was beating myself up about it if I forgot to practice gratitude on a particular day. It didn’t feel natural to me and this showed in my results. Essentially my key message here is that every human being is different and you need to figure out which way, or combination of ways, works for you... Over time the goal is for your own gratitude practice to come naturally to you each day and become a habit. You shouldn’t even realise you are doing it! So read on and see which way works for you!

7 practical ways to show gratitude each day

  1. Journaling - Do you love writing and always have your journal by your bed? I know I do. So one cool way you can practice gratitude is to write down what you are grateful for in your journal either first thing in the morning or last thing at night. This is great because when you physically write something down a magical process happens and it really does settle that thanks into your subconscious mind.

  2. Drawing - If you love art and drawing then why not get creative! You can use your journal and doodle the things you are grateful for. For example, if it’s your wealth you could draw a picture of the great pay cheque you just received or the holiday you have just been able to book. You could even display your drawings around your home - pin them on your notice board or on the fridge for extra gratitude reminders!

  3. Drifting to sleep - When you nod off to sleep is a great way to visualise and practice gratitude. Before you fall asleep each night, take the time to think in your head what you are grateful for and enjoy the different images that come into and out of your head. Keep thinking of the positives and as you drift off to sleep

  4. Talking - If you have a great friend, close family member or partner that you enjoy chatting to each day you can do this together. It doesn’t have to be a formal ‘what are you grateful for today?’ conversation. It can be as simple as ‘What was the best thing that happened to you today?’ or ‘What made you happy today?’ This is a nice way to finish your day off and you could even do it by messaging each other to make it even easier!

  5. Throughout your day - I like using this one and I would recommend it to everyone. It’s very simple and just about giving thanks throughout your day. For example if someone cooks you a meal, say thank you and be genuine about it. Take it a step further and explain why you are so thankful for it. Or if you get a compliment at work, say thank you to that person for sharing it (I know how hard it is to accept compliments at times but trust me it is worth the practice).

  6. Verbally - If you find speaking out loud works for you, then take 5 minutes out of your day to say what you are grateful for. You could do this while you are in the shower, walking to work or in front of your mirror each day.

  7. In your head - If you prefer to keep things to yourself you may like to practice your gratitude in your head. You could find yourself some quiet time each day and sit with your eyes closed and go through this, or you could do this in the supermarket queue, whilst you’re brushing your teeth or when you are eating your breakfast each morning.

The key here is to create an approach that works for you. You are unique and what works for one person won’t necessarily work for another! That is the beauty of life. Take the time to try a few of these methods out and see what works for you. I would love to hear your results. 

Finally, if you are thinking ‘this is great, but what do I actually say/think/write down when I am doing my gratitude?’, then take a read of my next post for a practical guide and answers to your key questions!

Jennie, With Love xx


Gratitude practice FAQs


How gratitude can bring beautiful things into your life…