How gratitude can bring beautiful things into your life…

The gratitude series (1).png

Maybe you have heard people talk about the concept of gratitude but don’t really get what all the fuss is about...

Or maybe you are a big believer in showing gratitude each and every day and there’s no need for persuasion!

Either way I am here to share with you why I believe this is the one thing that can make the most difference in your life.

Why is this? Well, showing genuine thanks for something has the power to attract beautiful things into your life.

My lightbulb moment

I had a lightbulb moment surrounding this when I was asked to reflect on the elements of my life. I thought through my career, health, wealth, love and spirit and considered which areas I was most happy with and which areas I felt unfulfilled.

When I did this I had a huge realisation. I realised I was super happy in my relationship (love) and my health was great, but I was less happy in my career. And when I thought more about it I could see clearly that my behaviour was different in the areas I was happy vs. those I was less happy. With my health, I was constantly looking for healthy foods, loving exercise and felt very positive about my body (I know this is a rarity to be body confident, maybe I will write about that another time...). And equally with my partner, I tell him I love him a lot and I would thank him for the little things (like doing the dishwasher!) and show him how much I appreciated him.

However, with my career it was a different story. I would speak about it negatively at times, I would see all the challenges associated with it and none of the benefits. I realised that this is why I was not getting the results that I desired. I was not being thankful for what I had got, so I wasn’t attracting anything better. This was in complete contrast to my relationship and my health which seemed to be improving over time and I was clearly showing my thanks day after day.

So to get you started on your gratitude journey (or if you are already on it, to continue), I have created an exercise for you to reflect on your life...

Try this exercise: 

  • Grab your journal and a pen.

  • Take a moment to think about your life and those key elements: love, career, health, wealth, spirit. If you need some inspiration put on some nice relaxing music and close your eyes.

  • Assess how you feel about each area out of 10, with 10 being great and 0 being not so great and write this down next to each element (love, career, health, wealth, spirit).

  • Take your time to think about your score in each area. Which areas are high (7+ out of 10) and which areas are low? Ask yourself where have you shown gratitude and where have you been ungrateful and maybe even negative? For example with health you may have been really grateful for the lovely food you get to eat by saying thanks at each meal. But with wealth you may be stuck in a rut and thinking you are not earning what you want...

So that is the first step complete! Reflection and making yourself aware of how you are feeling is a great start to taking your life forward. It is empowering for you to take this time out and appreciate where you are at. There are no right or wrong answers to this exercise and everyone is unique. The point is that you have the power to build on where you are and create your future. Look out for my next post on gratitude to find out how you can practice gratitude to start bringing the beauty into your life...


Jennie, With Love xx



7 ways to to practice gratitude each day


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