My top 7 to inspire and change your life…

My top 7 to inspire and change your life

All in one place I have put together my top 7 blogs all focused around how to thrive and love life. I hope they inspire you and I’d love to hear your comments!

How to thrive in this difficult time

We are living in a crazy world with Coronavirus at this time, however it is possible to use it for the greater good. You could be helping others more and also spending the time to reflect and reassess what is important in your life. 

For some extra inspiration take a look at this video all about Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning...

Why we should be more open about therapy and how it can improve our lives

Therapy, counselling, coaching… There are plenty of words you could use but essentially this is all about the benefits this support can bring. We shouldn’t be shy about it, mental health is such a prominent issue today and it is so important to encourage this conversation.

If you are interested, I have been working with my coach using a technique called BWRT - Brain Working Recursive Therapy. It is a relatively new therapy and it really is life changing!

Write your love list and start owning your life again

I am so passionate about you taking control of your life and filling it with things you love! Too much of our time we spend working and not enough exploring hobbies and taking time with our loved ones. Take a read of this and follow my steps to own your life again!

If you love the idea of this, take the time to watch this YouTube video from the Better Than Yesterday channel. It’s a summary of Tim Ferriss 4 hour work week, helping you take control back in your life...

7 inspirational quotes that could change your perspective on life

If you love motivational quotes take a read of my top 7 at the moment. These have really helped me grow as a person and make you realise that things do happen for a reason.

How I learnt to meditate

Have you heard about meditation but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you are already very into practicing meditation each day. Either way take a read of my story of doing a two week silent meditation retreat in Australia (it was as crazy as it sounds!) and I hope it provides some ideas for how you might learn to meditate.

Something I did recently was Jay Shetty’s 20 day meditation challenge. This is a fantastic way to get into it and his voice is so soothing and relaxing! Take a look at day 1 below and enjoy!

5 books that could change your life

If reading is your thing then take a look at my top 5 inspirational books. These are the ones that really have impacted my life and I hope you find one that catches your eye!

Someone I absolutely LOVE is Rachel Hollis - take a look at her favourite books here:

The power of love

Love is the ultimate power in the universe if you ask me. It has a special way of healing when you have gone through hard times. Take a look at my post which shares how you can use love to help you move through difficult times in life.

Check out this article by Dr Wayne Dyer if you want to learn more about this...

So… I hope this is helpful and you find something in these articles that inspires you! I’d love to hear your comments and feedback so please do get in touch!

Jennie, With Love xx


How trusting your intuition can bring magic into your life


Why you are never too old to make new friends