How trusting your intuition can bring magic into your life

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Have you ever felt a wave of intuition come over you? Whether it was a need to contact someone you know, or to do something you have maybe been putting off…

How many times have you had that gut feel in your tummy, but then ignored it? Chances are, it would have gone away for a short period of time, but it would have probably come back another time. 

Maybe you wonder why you should follow your intuition? I know from my life I have found that it has guided me to the place I needed to be. It has helped me direct my attention and go with the flow of life, instead of controlling everything that happens.

What is your intuition?

Despite this, I have spent a lot of time ignoring my intuition, or ‘gut feel’ as you may refer to it. But I have come to believe it is like a muscle that you exercise - the more you trust and follow it, the more it blossoms. And as it blossoms, that is when the magic happens. You will see more and more amazing things happen in your life as you are trusting yourself and letting things fall into place.

In case you were interested, the definition of intuition in the Oxford English dictionary goes like this...

‘Intuition is the ability to know something by using your feelings rather than considering the facts’.

Too many times in life we spend our time pouring over the detail of a situation or stressing out over a decision that we are in need of making. We can put a lot of pressure on ourselves to consider all the information and even heavily take on board the opinions and influence of others. I know I am definitely guilty of this. Being a very open person I tend to share a lot about my life and what’s going on in my relationships, career and personal situations. I think this can be a great strength at times, but then when it comes to decision making, I can often be clouded by the comments or views of other people.

Listen to your gut feelings

Don’t get me wrong, there is always a place for the facts and they can be very important. And it is always good to seek support from your friends, family or mentors in life, but often you will find that your intuition is leading the way for you. 

I don’t know about you, but I can think of countless times where I have had a feeling about something not being right, but I have chosen to bury it at the bottom of my thoughts and totally ignore it. I would say I have done this most in the areas of love and relationships. I have certainly stayed in relationships where I wasn’t happy, despite having a funny feeling in my stomach at times and thinking ‘something wasn’t right’. I think because I wasn’t completely clear on what exactly ‘wasn’t right’, I chose to ignore it. Trusting yourself can be hard sometimes. We take on board so much from other people, whether it is our friends, family, or the media. As a result we are led to believe that we should be following a certain path or doing a certain thing to be living our best life.

Start trusting your intuition

The truth is that your best life only really comes when you follow your own path and do what feels right to you, not to someone else. 

I can even say that for me, trusting my intuition has finally led me to start writing more and to finally start my blog, something I have been thinking about for a good few years now. Before I have been too scared to write things down, worried about what others would think so instead I found it easier to bury it deep down inside me.

I hope you can relate to this and start to notice and trust your intuition. It isn’t an easy thing to start doing, but as with all these things it is easiest to start small. For example, if you feel like you need to chat to someone, or share something with someone, do it! If you feel like trying something new, like a new hobby, then find a YouTube video on it, or look for a course, or buy some stuff and just do it. 

For example, when I first lived on my own it was really quite scary at first and I was worried about being lonely. But I remember I went and did my supermarket shopping one day and in the craft section I found some paints and other crafty bits which caught my eye. I would normally have said to myself ‘no, I don’t need to waste money on that kind of thing’, but instead I just threw them in the trolley and bought them. I then discovered a new love of all things crafty and started making birthday cards and other crafty things. When I think about it I remember being told I wasn’t great at art at school, so as a result I always ignored this interest, thinking I would be no good so what was the point in trying? But actually when I started I got some lovely feedback from family on how much they loved the cards I had made and I got a lot of enjoyment out of doing it. Sometimes it’s just a small moment of trusting your intuition that can bring you a whole world of happiness in the future. 

My overarching message is this. Trust yourself and your intuition. It is there for a reason and it is there to guide you to magical things in your life. 


  • Next time you have a feeling come over you in your gut, listen to it - take a moment to understand what it is you are wanting to do.

  • Once you have figured out what this intuition is, take some action, even if it is a small step. E.g. call that person, buy that thing, or even just write down the feelings in your journal if you feel it’s too big for you to take action right now.

  • Take a moment to be proud of yourself for taking the time to listen to your intuition. 

  • Wait for your intuition to pop up again, repeat and watch the magic happen…

Jennie, With Love xx


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