5 reasons that everyone should invest in house plants

5 reasons that everyone should invest in house plants

Today has been a beautiful day. We have repotted our house plants! I love them so much and they bring me so much joy...

House plants seem to have hit a new trend in the past couple of years. There is something wonderful about surrounding yourself with greenery and nature even when you are inside. Bring the outdoors inside is what I say!

In our home we now have about 50 house plants. It sounds like a lot but it doesn’t feel like it - they are in all shapes and sizes and they are a joy to see each day.

So, what is all the fuss about house plants and what do they bring to your life? Here are my five reasons I think house plants are a must for every home.

  1. Watching them grow is such a joy. You wake up to see gorgeous greenery each day and some days you are wowed with beautiful flowers or a new shoot coming through. Caring for them can make you feel really good and really proud. I know we are really passionate about our plants and water them with love and care. I even speak to my plants sometimes (apparently it is actually good for your plants to have chat with them!).

  2. They bring freshness into your home. Plants produce oxygen when they are photosynthesising and so they act to cleanse the air in your home, making the environment an even better one to relax in! Use plants like aloe vera, orchids, succulents and lavender in your bedroom to bring extra freshness throughout the night.

  3. As they grow you get to repot them and give them a new lease of life. It can be so fun to watch your plants grow, and when they start to outgrow their pot you get to rehome them. I like to wait until a few of our plants are ready for repotting and then spend an afternoon with the potting soil and a few new pots. It’s really fun and satisfying moving them all around and seeing them thrive in their new homes (bigger pots). You also get new shoots coming out sometimes so you can repot these in baby pots and use them as gifts if you like.

  4. They make your house look gorgeous. This comes from both the beautiful greenery and the pots you choose to put them in. You can coordinate your plant pots to your interior design and make your rooms feel even more homely. 

  5. Finally and most importantly, indoor plants have been shown to bring health benefits such as reduced stress, increased productivity and improved mood. So think about putting plants in your home office to boost your productivity, or in the bedroom to help you feel super relaxed and calm.

I would love to see any pictures of your gorgeous houseplants!

Jennie, With Love xx


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