5 top tips on how to thrive during this difficult time

5 top tips on how to thrive during this difficult time

How are you feeling in this challenging time?

I hope you are feeling good, but it can be easy to feel like you are on a bit of a roller coaster during this unprecedented period. Your life may have been turned upside down, your routine changed, and not seeing your precious family can be extremely tough. It's even stranger because we are all going through the same thing, but as we all have very different personal circumstances it can be affecting us in very different ways.

Despite all the challenges, it really is possible to use this time for positive growth, to allow yourself to take a step back, reflect on what is important to you and reconsider your priorities for the future.

I know I have found it challenging to not see my mum. I miss her loads and two months apart is hard. Working from home when I’m normally always out and about has been a struggle too and I have even found the little things tough like not going food shopping (weirdly that is something I love).

However, I have absolutely loved the opportunity to take a step back from the crazy life that we all live and reassess my priorities. I wanted to share my top tips, the things that I have found have really made an impact on my life and supported my mental and physical health through this time.


1. Recreate and reclaim your morning routine. 

How we start the day is so important but so often we are rushing around with no time in the mornings. One of the best things I can recommend is recreating your morning routine, changing it up and making it work for you. Think about what sets you up for a good day. Everyone is different - it may be a delicious breakfast, reading your book in bed, or having a cup of tea and relaxing. If you are working from home now, or just at home more than you were, take the time to do something for yourself each morning. And make sure you take this time before you start scrolling through social media and responding to messages on your phone. Too many of us start the day by checking our phones and the minute you do this you are giving away your schedule to others. It isn’t realistic to think that every single morning you can stick to your ‘perfect’ morning routine (you may have family commitments or a work schedule to battle with!) but at least dedicating some of your morning to yourself to make sure you are set up well for the day can make such a difference. Over the past couple of months I have bought various things into my morning routine such as reading a great book, having a cup of tea in bed (luxury!) and doing some yoga. I have also made sure I leave my phone outside the bedroom each night so it isn’t the first thing I reach for when I wake up each morning.

2. Get out every single day without fail. 

Mental health is so important and it is very easy to get that cabin fever feeling when you are indoors all day. Making a commitment to yourself to get out of the house each day can really make a difference to how you feel, even though at times it’s probably the last thing you fancy doing. It could just be a walk around the block on your own or as a family to the park. Worse ways, spend a substantial amount of your day outdoors in your garden (if you have access to one). It will really help you feel clear headed and positive each day. I know that on the days I haven’t managed to get out the house I have ended up feeling a bit down and by the end of the day I am left wondering why. I’m now doing my best to get out of the house every day no matter what my work schedule is like and it has definitely helped my productivity and positivity!

3. Set an intention at the start of each week. 

At the start of your week, say on a Monday, take the time out to reflect on how the last week has gone. Better still, grab your journal and write down what has gone well and what could have gone better. For example, did you achieve that deadline with your work project? Did you do that bit of decorating? Did you manage to exercise? Don’t put too much pressure on yourself if you haven’t done absolutely everything you wanted to do, this is a time like no other and we have to be kind to ourselves. After you have reflected on your previous week, think about the week you have ahead and set your intention for what you are looking to achieve. This doesn’t have to be anything big - it could just be to call an old friend, or do some yoga each day. I’d say aim for 3 things you want to achieve in your week. To help inspire ideas you could think about all key aspects of your life: wealth, health, career, family, friends, love, spirituality. And as always, write it down in your journal - this will help you focus and for your intentions to come to fruition!

4. Be grateful for all the things you have got. 

It is very easy in this time to be focused on the negative and the worries that we are facing. However I cannot express how beneficial it is to practice gratitude each day. It may sound strange, but the more things you can be grateful for, the more great things will come into your life. You can practice gratitude by simply appreciating the beautiful flowers outdoors, or saying thank you for a yummy dinner you’ve had to eat. By saying the words ‘thank you’ out loud, and meaning it, you are bringing positive energy and happiness into your life and to the lives of the people around you. Try it out and watch as more good things start to occur...

5. Take the time for a digital detox.

At times you may be feeling like you have spent all day on Zoom/Facetime/phone calls to work/family/friends etc. I have definitely experienced this and on some days it feels really draining. It is so important to be thinking of yourself and even if you have got something planned online, it may be necessary at times to cancel or postpone it. It is possible to become very fatigued with all the time we are spending connected online, so be mindful of this and look after yourself. For example, you may want to stop using your phone/laptop for 2 hours before bed. Or you may like to take an hour away from your computer for lunch every day. Set boundaries that work for you, be kind to yourself and don’t feel you need to be connected to the online world at all times.

I hope these tips are helpful to you and I would love to hear from you and how you are getting through this crazy time…!

 Jennie, With Love


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