Write your love list and start owning your life again…

Write your love list and start owning your life again

What do you spend your days occupied with? This time in lockdown has given us all the ability to reflect and think a bit differently about life.

All too often our daily agendas consist of doing things on other people’s terms, because other people have asked us. The reality is, when you really look at what you do each day, how much of it is truly for yourself? 

I have been very grateful to have this time to reflect on life and start afresh, even if it has been daunting at times and I have experienced that cabin fever feeling from time to time.

So how do we capitalise on this opportunity and get our lives back to being focused on ourselves? How do we ensure we do not become reabsorbed with the old realities we used to live by?

Create your love list

Something that can be really fun to spend time doing is to make a list of all the things that you love doing in life. The kind of things that you get totally lost doing and lose all concept of time! It may be reading a book, going for a walk, going to the gym or chatting to a friend on the phone. It may just be having a relaxing bath or sitting in your favourite chair with a cup of tea. It really doesn’t matter what it is, it just matters that it makes you feel good. Grab a pen and paper and take the time to write these things down. On my list is stuff like taking a bath, reading a magazine, eating chocolate(!), dog walks and yoga.

To help even more and to make it even more fun. Think back to when you were young. What stuff did you love to do when you were a kid? Did you have a hobby you were passionate about but over time you’ve stopped doing it? For example, I used to love going to dance classes, but as I grew older I stopped doing this (somewhat replaced by my crazy partying years!). However having taken the time to remember this passion I have recently rekindled my love of dance and it feels great! 

You could even ask your parents or old friends the same question and chances are they will have some memories they can share that will spark some ideas! The reason this is well worth doing is because the chances are that the things you enjoy won’t have changed very much. The things you loved back then will still bring you joy today.

Taking action on your love list

So what do you do when you have this list? Especially now, given the lockdown. 

Prioritise finding yourself the time to fit something in from your love list each and every day. It doesn’t have to be for long, it could just be that 10 minute cup of tea. But make that ‘you time’ happen. It may help to book it in your diary or set an alarm on your phone each day as a reminder and you may even need to mention it to your family to give you some space to make it happen. Or even get your family involved - if you love going to the beach then you could plan a day trip to your local beach and take a picnic together as a family.

Over time you will see the benefits of you giving yourself that time and space dedicated to something you love and that brings you great happiness. Yes, during a global pandemic this may be more challenging (you can’t just head to the pool for a swim for example), but you can make adaptations and do some of the things you love still.

It will hopefully give you the headspace to realise that by allowing yourself that time, you are actually more present and happy throughout the rest of your day. You may even find that your time for these activities expands over time as you start seeing some of the benefits this precious time can bring into your life.

 Practical steps on how to use a love list…

  1. Think about the things that you love doing and light up your life.

  2. Write down all the ideas that come up - your ‘love list’.

  3. Commit to building something from your love list into a daily habit, even if it's just for 10 minutes each day.

  4. Set a reminder each day and book it into your schedule - it should be a non-negotiable part of your day.

  5. Over time aim to incorporate different things from your ‘love list’ into this time and increase your amount of ‘me time’.


Jennie, With Love xx


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