My nanny and aunty, my inspiration

Nanny and aunty, my inspiration

I wanted to write about my nanny and aunty and share what they mean to me…

They have been in my life forever, since I was born. They took me to the zoo when I was growing up (along with my brother and 2 cousins), we’d all ride the bus to the beach and they were just an integral part of my life.

I have so many fond memories of them, aunty used to look after me on a Sunday morning when the rest of the family went to watch my brother play football (too cold for me!) and I remember nan’s garden being the place we would play badminton and eat cake in the summer!

My nanny and aunty are sisters and the love they have for each other is beautiful. They have always spent lots of time together and as I’ve grown up I have realised how funny they are. When I’m around them I feel nothing but joy and happiness.

I love nothing better than going out to a cafe with them for lunch or tea and cake and having a good old natter. The photo is of us from quite a few years ago now, doing exactly that!

That has somewhat changed now, as they are growing older their health is changing and my Nan is living with Dementia. Accepting this has been really challenging and I miss the times we used to spend together. Although things have changed, she is still the happy, loving and caring person she always has been and I have learnt that the best thing I can do is cherish all my memories and the times I still have with her.

Nan and Aunty are always in my thoughts as I go through life. I may not be able to see them right now (lockdown related), but they are the thing that fuels me each day to be better and do better.

In 2017 I set up my own business with my cousin Lisa in the care sector and this was inspired by my love for Nan and Aunty. I wanted to be able to know how to support them best when they needed it and understand what is a challenging industry.

I believe it is so important to have a motivation for what you do. It means you have a purpose in the back of your mind that fuels you to keep going.

No matter what happens in life, times can be tough but having love in your life can keep you motivated and focused and make it all worth it!

Who are people in your life that make everything seem better and who give you unconditional love? I’d love to hear from you…


Jennie, With Love xx


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