5 books that could change your life…

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Do you enjoy reading? And do you enjoy reading books that help you reflect and grow as a person?

Sometimes it can be hard to find those fantastic books that really do make an impact on your life.

Sometimes I find that I lose interest in a book just a few pages in, but instead of being frustrated with myself, I try to accept that I just can’t get into it right now and move on. This can be hard to do - especially if someone has recommended it to you!

For those of you that know me, will know I am not the fastest reader and always struggled a bit with consistently reading. However over the past five years or so, there have been five books that really have changed my life, opened up my perspective and help me develop.

I love it when a personal development book has a practical application. I appreciate theories and it is important to understand the underlying reasons behind the book's messages. But I really enjoy learning new things and ways I can practically change and improve to make an impact on my life.

If you feel the same then you may enjoy some of these - my top five favourite personal development books of all time (in no particular order!)...


1. The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to Be Calm and Mindful in a Fast-Paced World - Haemin Sunim

I cannot tell you how much I love this book. I have read it three times and not only is it a really easy, yet impactful read, but it has the most beautiful illustrations throughout the book that you could get lost in forever.

The book is so thought provoking, and at the end of each section there are a group of quotes, all of which stand alone and really get you thinking. You can easily pick the book up and open a random page to be wowed by an incredible quote that will make an impact on your day.

In summary, this is just the most beautiful book I have ever read!


2. The Slight Edge - Jeff Olsen

I love this book for the practical application it gives you. The message is simple and all about how baby steps can put you on the right path in life, but there’s no problem if one of those baby steps takes you in the ‘wrong’ direction, as it is possible to course correct next time. 

He uses lots of very relatable examples (like the idea of eating a burger every day for a month and how this could cause you to become overweight, however just one burger on one day will not!).

I found this philosophy very useful in my own life. I apply it to everything from eating chocolate(!), to exercise, to meditation, to writing my blog posts. There is no point beating yourself up if you miss a day of exercise, just pick yourself up and try again tomorrow. Success comes from the cumulative effect of lots of small positive actions and I love that as a concept.


3. Stop Saying You’re Fine - Mel Robbins

Mel is just a power house and I absolutely love her!

This book is the most ‘put a rocket up your arse’ book I have ever read. To put it into context, after reading it for the first time (I have read it at least twice) I broke up with my boyfriend at the time. This may sound dramatic but it really does make you take a strong, hard look at your life.

I have recommended it to many people and they have all found it impactful in helping them reflect and take action in their life for the better.

Mel is famous for the ‘5 second rule’ - if you don’t take action on something that pops into your head within 5 seconds then the chances are it won’t happen. She’s like dynamite and all about taking action to take you forward in life.

Stop Saying You’re Fine is about exactly that. Too many of us just pretend we are ‘fine’ all the time. But ‘fine’ is just not good enough, she argues. And I totally agree. Her book helped me reflect on how happy I actually was and take action towards progressing my life in a positive way. She offers advice on how to make incremental shifts but emphasises the importance of reflection and not settling - something I am very passionate about.


4. When Breath Becomes Air - Paul Kalanithi

Well this one is a total tear jerker.

Typically I only really read personal development books, but this book is totally different for a change. My dear friend Diana lent me this book a few years ago when I was going through a tough time and in all honesty it had sat on my bookshelf collecting dust ever since. I finally read it in Summer 2018 and I was totally hooked - finishing it in just 2 days which for me was a record! I was totally lost in this book and I sobbed my heart out in the process. It gave me perspective on life, love and time and I 100% recommend anyone to read it (and have tissues at the ready).

I don’t think I need to say much more and I hope it will give you the same lightbulb moment it gave me.


5. The Art of Happiness - Dalai Lama & Howard Cutler

I’m sure you have heard of the Dalai Lama and this book certainly doesn’t disappoint. His attitude and perspective on life is beyond incredible and I believe we can all learn a great deal from his teachings. I felt myself reading chapters of this book and then wanting to just stop and take time to reflect on the things he was saying. What he has been through is just incredible to hear and so uplifting. It’s written in combination with a Western psychiatrist so the messaging is portrayed in a beautiful way, like a voyage of discovery. Again a book that makes you think and forces you to question and adapt your views on life.


So that’s it! My 5 favourite books, the ones that have changed my life. I’d love to hear if you have read any and what you think. And also, if you have any book recommendations I would love for you to get in touch so I can get them in my life!


Jennie, With Love


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