7 inspirational quotes that could change your perspective on life

Do you love a good inspirational quote? I know I do...

I don’t know about you but I have found that at times in my life, a certain quote has given me a lightbulb moment and propelled me from a place of sadness, to a place of hope. I wanted to share these key life changing quotes with you and I hope they resonate with you and make a difference to your life…

1. Endings happen so you can begin again

This quote I first came across read when a relationship with an ex had ended. I felt very sad and couldn’t shake off that feeling of ‘what could have been’. Somehow, this quote helped me out of that place. I had a realisation that this really had ended for a reason, and that there were bigger and better things ahead of me. I used this to fuel my motivation and move me forward instead of dwelling on the past.

2. Be yourself, everyone else is already taken - Oscar Wilde

This is just so powerful! How many times have you compared yourself to others or thought you weren’t good enough? How many times have you criticised your body, your personality, or your ability to do something? The truth is that we really cannot be anything but ourselves. And you will come to learn that the things that you may not like are probably the things that make you unique! Embracing and accepting these things has the power to really start to love yourself.

3. You are the average of the 5 people you spend your time with - Jim Rohn

I truly believe in this. When you think about it, the people you spend your time with definitely influence all aspects of your life. Your health, wealth, career, relationships, everything! I have used this to inspire me to be mindful of who I surround myself with, and I always want to ensure this is people who lift me up!

4. Be kind

I really believe that kindness is underrated. It doesn’t cost you anything to be kind to be someone. And in fact, it is always the best way to respond, even if someone is not being so kind to you. You can always maintain your inner peace by knowing that you have been kind in any situation.

5. Send them love - Dr Wayne Dyer

Love is my most important value in life. I have learnt that no matter what someone has said or done to you, if you can find a way to send them love, it is life changing. It is much easier to judge or dislike someone and hold a grudge. But actually this only brings pain to you ultimately. Sending loving kindness to people gives you peace of mind and allows you to let go of the past and move forward.

6. Storms make trees take deeper roots - Dolly Parton

I believe that everyone goes through hard times, and these can be hard to accept when you are in the middle of it. The reason I love this quote is because it makes me realise that it is possible to come through a situation as a stronger person. It is easy to feel like a victim, but actually if you can believe that you will find a positive from it one day, you can come out of it a better person.

7. If it won’t matter in 5 years, don’t spend more than 5 minutes getting annoyed about it

How many times have you felt upset about a situation at work, with friends or a family situation? It can be very easy to spend lots of time dwelling on it and talking to others about it, going over it in your head. This quote really resonates with me, because it is a practical question that you can use to pull yourself out of a negative place. It really puts things into perspective and often when I think back to this quote I find that the issue doesn’t seem so big anymore.

So there you have it! My 7 favourite quotes that have helped me get through the major challenges in my life and continue to help me grow each and every day.

I would LOVE to hear your favourite quotes - drop me a message and let me know!

Jennie, With Love xx


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