How to get ready for the second half of 2020

How to get ready for the second half of 2020

Can you believe we are almost half way through the year? I am a big believer in goal setting…

You may feel like you’ve achieved everything you’ve wanted to over the past 6 months, or you may feel the opposite. It can be too easy to beat yourself up over what you haven’t yet accomplished, but the truth is, we have to embrace where we are.

2020 so far

2020 has been nothing short of a crazy year. It has been the year of a global pandemic which has transformed our lives and put the economy into a downward trend like we haven’t seen in recent times. The ‘normal’ way we live our lives has been questioned and the security of our livelihoods has been challenged.

It is likely that many of us had a very different idea for what 2020 was going to bring us, compared to the reality we have had to face. You may have started a new role, but later experienced being on furlough (a term I hadn’t even heard of before all this!). Or you may have been planning a wedding which had to be cancelled due to the lockdown. Or maybe it was a special holiday you had booked that you weren’t able to go on. However it has affected you, it is hard to get away from the reality that 2020 has presented us.

For me, I have been expecting my first baby in 2020, and although pregnancy hasn’t been as I expected as a result, I have tried to find the positives in the time I have been gifted to reflect on life and figure out a new normal.

I am so passionate about helping you feel empowered about where you are, and as 2020 is a special year of change and transformation, it is an opportunity for you to thrive and grow as a person.

Instead of feeling disappointed for what has been an unprecedented year, embrace where we are and follow these steps to get you set for an incredible second half of 2020…

Time to reflect

Before we kick off the second half of 2020, it is important to take the time out and reflect on the first half of the year. Ask yourself some questions:

  • What have you achieved in the last 6 months?

  • What are you most proud of?

  • What has been the most challenging part of the last 6 months?

  • What have you learnt from your biggest challenge?

Think about your health, wealth, career, relationships, spirituality, when you are answering these questions. It may be that you have picked up a new hobby during the lockdown, or that you have managed to find a new working from home routine. And in terms of challenges, perhaps you have struggled not seeing friends and family regularly, but you have learnt to enjoy more ‘me time’ as a result.

Take some time to journal your responses to these questions and go with whatever comes up for you.

Set your goals

Next it is time to consider what you want to achieve in the second part of 2020. We have 6 months left to go, and you can achieve a lot of things in this time! The reason I love setting goals is because it keeps you focus and gives you a great sense of satisfaction when you achieve them. However I also believe it is important to go with the flow of life, and be open to changes and new opportunities on your journey.

To start setting your goals, ask yourself these questions…

  • What is the one thing you would love to achieve by the end of 2020?

  • What key events do you have coming up over the next 6 months? E.g. family birthdays, work events, holidays.

  • What did you wish you had done in the first half of the year, that you can still achieve during the rest of the year?

  • If you were to set yourself 3 goals for the next 6 months, what would they be?

You need to have a manageable amount of goals to achieve, so I would recommend setting 3 big goals that cover some of the areas of health, wealth, career, relationships, spirituality.

When you set your goals, ensure they are really clearly written, and you have associated a time element to them. It is also great to include feeling words in your goals to bring them to life more. To give you some help I have created some examples below…

Career goal - It is 1st November and I am proud to have secured a promotion to the level of Director at my company.

Health goal - It is October 13th and I am feeling great as I have completed my first half marathon in a time of 1 hour and 57 minutes.

Wealth goal - It is December 10th and I have managed to save £1000 to do my Christmas shopping for friends and family.

Relationships - It is Christmas Day and I am excited to be waking up in my new home with my partner and feel so in love.

Spirituality - It is September 21st and I am feeling nervous but excited about having booked to do my yoga and meditation training course.

Everyone’s lives are different so these are just some examples of goals you could have. You could brainstorm lots of ideas and then narrow it down to the 3 priorities for you for 2020.

Once you are clear on your goals, ensure they are clearly written in your journal and that is all you need to do! There is something magical about writing your goals down, and your subconscious mind will figure out the how, even if they feel unachievable right now.

I wish you lots of good luck and fun in your goal setting journey and I’d love to hear all about it…

Jennie, With Love xx


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