How to create your own miracle morning…


You may have heard of the idea of a miracle morning if you have been on your personal development journey for a while, or it may be something that is new to you.

Essentially it is the idea that you take back ownership of your mornings and you set yourself up for success each day.

I believe we are all too connected to our mobile phones and the result of this is that the first thing we do each day is check our messages / social media. What this does is that it transforms your fo is to what other people want from you (messages asking you all sorts of stuff) and drains your energy by scanning through other people’s ideal lives (social media pictures).

I am so passionate about ensuring the first thing you do in the morning is solely focused on you and making sure your mental health is bullet proof to get you through whatever the day is going to bring.

So here are the key elements that you can include in your miracle morning. There is not one right or wrong way to do it and even if you just pick one thing that works for you then that is fantastic. Let’s face it, we are not all morning people and you have to be realistic about what suits your lifestyle. It is all about habits and developing positive habits to get you off to a great start.


Meditation is for me an absolute must and I love to do this at the start of the day, as the first thing I do in the morning. You can follow a guided meditation on the many mobile apps or YouTube (but don’t use this as an excuse to look at your social media!) or you can simply sit silently and do some relaxing breathing exercises. You could do this in bed or you could find a special spot in your home that you meditate in.


Similar to meditation, but this is probably something you are more familiar with. Each morning I like to have a cup of tea in bed and relax. You could be reading a magazine, chatting to your partner or just reflecting on life while you sip away! Taking this time to truly enjoy your cup of tea and not rushing through is very important here.


You may think this means getting out for a run each morning, which may sound impossible! But movement doesn’t have to mean heart pumping exercise each day. It could be a light stretch on your yoga mat or in bed. It could mean a walk around the garden in the morning. Movement will get your blood pumping around your body and start to release those happy hormones for the day. Figure out what type of movement works for you - it may be a gym class or it may be something you can do for 20 minutes at home.


This is one of my favourite things to do but it isn’t for everyone! I love a beautiful notebook and most mornings you will see me scribbling things down in there, coming up with new ideas for my business or writing out my goals. If you enjoy this kind of thing, keep a journal by your bed and try it out. You could do a diary, a gratitude journal, daily reflection or some goal setting. Check out some of my other blogs for more information on these things.

Daily plan.

I absolutely love a plan. I find that when I have planned out my day it seems to go so much better. There is a fine balance though - don’t be so strict that you cannot go with the flow when your plans change. If you like the idea of this, all you need to do is write out a couple of key tasks you need to achieve in the day and note your schedule of meetings. I find this really keeps me focused and I feel good when I have achieved some or all of what I have set out to achieve.


If you are a bookworm, spending some time with your head in your favourite book is a wonderful way to start your day. You will feel totally lost in your book and it can leave you feeling relaxed and put you in a good mood for the rest of your day.


If, like me, you are someone who loves to dream, reflect and explore your imagination then visualisation may be for you. I find this is the most fun when I’m dozing in bed in the morning. Visualisation is all about letting yourself imagine your future and what you want to achieve. It may simply be a work meeting you have scheduled that day or it could be your dream car that you are keen to buy. Pick a topic and explore your imagination, feel the emotions you want to feel, the smells, tastes and what you can see. By bringing this moment to life you are tricking your brain into thinking it’s already a reality and you will love the results!


This is another popular technique with entrepreneurs, athletes and other people who are at the top of their careers. Affirmations are words or phrases that affirm something you want to feel or achieve in life. Instead of dreaming about these (in visualisation), you say your phrases out loud, with conviction. You can do this in front of the mirror each morning or you can do it when you are are out for a walk. Either way you must make sure you believe in your affirmations and have a motion behind them, otherwise they are simply just words and could have the opposite effect. Another option is to record your affirmations and listen to them on your headphones each day. An example of an affirmation could be ‘I accept myself unconditionally’ or ‘I choose to be positive every day’.


Starting your miracle morning with a good level of hydration is a brilliant way to kick off your day. My favourite morning drinks are herbal teas like fresh mint, fresh lemon, fresh ginger. Or a big glass of barley water. Water is great to cleanse your system and ensure you are starting the day with a clear mind.


I am sure you have always heard of the benefits of a good breakfast in the mornings! Too many of us have to rush breakfast and don’t have the time to properly enjoy it. As part of your miracle morning take the time out to create a beautiful breakfast routine where you are able to sit down in peace and enjoy it. Try to incorporate fresh fruit, oats, seeds, nuts, and other healthy superfoods. My favourite is to have fresh berries with yogurt, oats, chia seeds, nuts, cacao nibs and vegan protein.

So there you have it! Plenty of ideas for you to choose from so that you can create your miracle morning! Trust me, it isn’t possible to do this every single day so don’t be hard on yourself if some days it’s just not possible. If you can do one thing most of the time then you are doing great!

Do you have other things that you do in your mornings to bring joy to your day? I would love to hear from you! Please leave your comments below or drop me a message…

Jennie, With Love xx


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