Vision Boards Part I - what is a vision board?


Maybe you know exactly what a vision board is, or maybe you have never heard of one before...

Maybe you’ve always been intrigued to create one but never quite got around to it.

With the busy lives we all lead it can be hard to get 5 minutes to yourself, let alone a few hours to create something crafty!

A vision board does not have to be complicated. Over this series I am going to share with you all my vision board secrets so that you can create one that suits you and your lifestyle!

This series is going to answer some of your key questions...

  • What is a vision board?

  • How can a vision board change your life?

  • What types of vision board could you create?

  • What are my top tips for creating a vision board?

What is a vision board?

Essentially a vision board is a collection of images, photographs and quotes that you put together in a creative format (perhaps on a big sheet of paper or a pin board). The idea is that the images are of things you would like to attract into your life - your goals!

For example, if you aspire to travel to New Zealand, you could put beautiful pictures of the country on your vision board. Or if you wanted to win an award you could put an image of the awards on your vision board. Or if you have an important role model you aspire to be like in your career you could put an image of him or her on it.

I also like to include photographs of the people I want to surround myself in my life, this could be your family or close friends. Or even if you have pets, or you really want a new pet, you could put a picture like that on your vision board.

Quotes are great to include - it should be things that resonate with you and help you feel inspired to achieve your vision.

The key is to remember that nothing is too crazy to put on your vision board. If you want to earn a million pounds, just put a picture of a million pound cheque on your vision board!

A vision board should be something that you look at and it excites you to think you are on a journey to achieve these things. And it is okay if some of them feel a bit scary and out of reach when you create it - that is part of the fun!

Vision boards can also be great to do in a group with your friends so why not get them together get creative!

I’d love to hear your vision board stories so please do get in touch!

Jennie, With Love xx


Vision Boards Part II - Types of Vision Boards


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