Vision Boards Part II - Types of Vision Boards

Do you love the idea of a vision board but just don’t know where to start?

Take a look here for my ultimate guide to the types of vision board you could create….

If you are always attached to your device, why not try creating a vision video with one of the many video editing apps out there?

Or if you prefer the idea of getting a bit crafty, invite your friends over and create a more tradition vision board using a cork board and pins.

The other great way you can create a vision board on your phone is by using the Pinterest app. There is endless inspiration that will get your creative juices flowing!

The most important thing is to enjoy yourself and make it personal to you!

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I hope you found some inspiration to get started with your vision board - and don’t forget to look out for my next post on vision boards!

Jennie, With Love xx


How a vision board can change your life


Vision Boards Part I - what is a vision board?