Why your values are so important

Why your values are so important

What are your values in life?

This may sound like a bit of a strange question. Maybe it’s something you’ve never really thought about before... And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! Your values will be ingrained into you and everything you do, but it can be difficult to codify them and write them down.

I am really passionate about you exploring your values in life and figuring out what they are. But before we get to that I want to share what a ‘value’ is. Obviously there are many different definitions of the word value, but in this context the following definition applies to the word value: 

The values of a person or group are the moral principles and beliefs that they think are important (Source: Collins Dictionary) 

You may have come across values in the workplace. Many companies choose to define their values in order to develop and foster a certain culture in the workplace. For example the values of the company Nike include inspiration and innovation. And the values of Instagram are creativity, simplicity and community. You probably get the idea here. So my theory is, if companies can do it, why not create and write down your own values in your life? 

Here are the reasons I think it's so important for you to discover your values in life:

  • It helps you to be clear on what you stand for. You can be proud of what you stand for and your values are part of what makes you unique.

  • It enables you to assess your decisions and if they fit with your life path. By knowing your values you can be more assertive and sure of your decisions, with the aim of being less influenced by others.

  • It will help you understand why certain things in your life affect you more than others - both positively and negatively. For example if community is an important value for you, you may find that you are more inclined to be saddened by homelessness. Or if wealth is a top value for you, you may put more weight on a promotion at work.

  • If you know other people’s values then it can help you understand why people make certain decisions in their lives. This can help you have more compassion and empathy for others, as you grow to understand the deeper reasons behind people’s behaviours.

So what exactly is an example of a value? There are plenty of values you could choose and it could simply be a word like ‘happiness’ or it could be a phrase that you live by such as ‘to help others grow and develop’.

What you will find is that your values may be different for each area of your life. For example, in your career wealth may be your highest value, but in your relationships it may be honesty. Or you may find that you have certain values that you feel are very strong across all elements of your life.

The reason I love finding out about my values and other people’s is that it really does help to understand why people choose certain paths in their life. It is all too easy to judge people but actually when you dig deeper you will begin to understand that people are just making decisions based on the deep rooted values that they believe. 

If you are keen to find out more about values and how to discover yours then look out for my next post on the subject...

Jennie, With Love xx


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