How to accept change in your life

How to accept change in your life

We all go through changes in life, but our reality can make these hard to accept. Here I provide some top tips on how to accept change and move forward…

So you have probably read my last blog on change and the law of impermanence, but if not take a look at it here.

It can be hard to accept, but the reality we are faced with is that change is inevitable. If we resist change we are only setting ourselves up for difficulty and hardship. We will feel like a victim and like we have lost control of our lives. The best thing you can possibly do is to embrace change in your life and allow it to happen. But it is easier said than done!

I wanted to share with you my best pieces of advice on how to build a life that is open to change…

1. Embrace your feelings

It’s okay to not be okay! But it is important to understand and accept the way you feel. If you are struggling to accept a change in your life, grab your journal and write down what is going on in your head. Ask yourself some questions like, ‘What is it about the change that is upsetting me?’ and ‘Is there a way I can learn and grow from this change?’. Write down as much or as little as you want, but give it a try as putting pen to paper can really help you digest your feelings and ultimately move forward.

2. Surround yourself with people you love

If you are going through a difficult time with a change in your life, one of the best things you can do is surround yourself by the people who love you. Your family and friends should be there for you through the good and the bad times. Spend time with those people that make you laugh and you have a strong connection with. Plan nice days out together or just time to hang out and have a catch up. Your spirits will instantly be lifted by being around these people.

3. Practice meditation

Somehow the practice of meditation helps ground you in the present moment and deal with the difficulties you face in a magical way. Meditation can bring so many benefits to your life. I find by starting the day with a meditation, I feel calm and relaxed. I deal with the things that are thrown at me in a much more productive way and my overall mood is better. Try to spend 10 minutes at the start of your day meditating - introducing this habit into your life will make a real difference.

4. Show empathy

Relationships can be a big cause of happiness or sadness in our life. What I have come to learn is that we can become affected when relationships change or there is conflict in one of our valued relationships. If you feel like something hasn’t gone as you’d hoped, try to think about how the other person is feeling in that situation. Bear in mind that you don’t know everything that’s going on in that persons life, and there may be more context behind why they are acting a certain way. Try not to generate negative emotions towards the person or situation, instead find a way to empathise and put yourself in their shoes. This should help you understand and be kind when accepting the situation and moving forward with your life.

5. Show gratitude

Practicing gratitude is a great way to focus on the present and find happiness in your life. If you are struggling with a change in your life, take a moment to think about all the things you are grateful for. This could be a member of your family, a pet, the beautiful sunshine, or anything really! By doing this you are focusing your brain on the here and now, and not letting yourself give energy to the negative thoughts

6. Get moving

Exercise produces endorphins and as much as you probably don’t feel like moving, you will feel so much better afterwards! Go out for a walk, do some yoga or go for a swim. Movement forces you to be fully present and in the moment, which means that it will help you to accept what is going on in your life and think to the future!

I hope these tips helps you to understand, accept and move forward with any change you face in life.

Jennie, With Love xx


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