Why there is beauty in the craziness of 2020


What a crazy year it has been so far!

We are almost halfway through and I don’t think anyone could have predicted how this year would be panning out.

We have faced a global pandemic, Covid-19 or Coronavirus as it is commonly known. We have been in lockdown, distanced from our family and friends and facing a very different reality.

However as negative as it all sounds, it really has provided an opportunity for us all. I am definitely a glass half full kind of person, and I believe it is important to see the positive in every experience in life. Ultimately, I feel that this experience has given us the most powerful opportunity to reflect on our lives and what is important to us.

I think there is power in sharing the beautiful stories that have occurred during lockdown so here are some of the stories I have heard to hopefully inspire you…

We have seen communities come together and help serve each other - from helping elderly people who cannot get out with their shopping, to providing presents to people who have lost their loved ones.

I have heard from those who have become new parents and are loving having the time to bond as a new family without the impact of lots of visitors all the time.

I know a lot of people have taken this as some time to consider their priorities in life. I have seen people decide they will quit their job and change careers, they are planning a move to the other end of the country and they are starting their own business.

There has been a realisation that there is much more to life than just working so hard we are burnt out. Our health has come to the forefront and we are using our bikes, walking and doing fun things outdoors more.

I know for me personally, I have found it so valuable to have time at home with my other half and getting the house decorated. I have started my blog which has been a long time coming! I have spent time working with my coach on developing my career and I have found a new sense of gratitude for all the little things in life.

I would love to hear what good things have come from this crazy year that is 2020 - get in touch and share or comment below!

Jennie, With Love xx


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