Why comparing yourself to others is pointless

Why comparing yourself to others is pointless

Comparison is natural and we do it all the time. Unfortunately.

I am really fascinated by the comparisons we make to each other all the time. I see that it is only natural, but it really can be a toxic thing to do.

We compare how we look to our idealised celebrities, or even friends. We compare our homes to those of other people. We compare our relationships to that of others. And each and every time we do this, we are slowly eroding our own confidence and sense of self.

Why do I feel that comparison is pointless?

  1. Comparing yourself leaves you feeling empty. Do you feel good when you compare yourself to others? When you do this, you are potentially putting yourself down, or perhaps you are putting the other person down. Either way, this won’t make you feel good about yourself. Judging other people may feel good at the time but it will leave you feeling guilty and empty after the event.

  2. It can cause you to resent other people and adversely impact your relationships. If you spend your time comparing yourself to others, you can build up a subconscious view that will cause you to feel differently towards that person. Chances are the next time you interact with them you may feel differently and act differently with them. This could come out as jealousy or resentment. If you feel that you cannot control the need to compare I would advise you to keep your distance from that person to stop this from happening.

  3. It can stop us confiding in our friends for support. Friends can be an incredible source of strength for us, but if we are constantly comparing ourselves to them, it may cause us to stop seeking this support. I see our friends like therapists who have advice and can help us through various life struggles. Comparing ourselves all the time can mean we don’t feel like we can share the hard times, for example if we are having relationship challenges but our friend is in a ridiculously loved up relationship, we may decide not to share. When the truth is that this person may be the best placed to help us through our challenges.

  4. You can lose your unique self. We are all unique and so ultimately, comparing ourself all the time does not get us anywhere. Embracing our uniqueness is the best thing we can do and appreciate each other collectively. We are all different for a reason, we have different genes and have lived through different experiences. Seeing this as a great opportunity to share and learn seems like the only option if you ask me!

So there you have it… My reasons that comparison does not serve you or anybody else. Always try to find something kind to think and say about other people and lift them up!

Jennie, With Love xx


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